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squirrel Removal in Vermont

Over 25 years of discreet and professional animal removal experience.

PestPro, Inc. leads the way in nuisance wildlife removal for northwestern Vermont. Jon Quackenbush, the owner of PestPro, has over 25 years of discreet and professional animal removal experience. 

Squirrels - Gray, Red, and Flying


Squirrels are our most commonly seen wildlife pest. They will chew access holes into attics, soffits, and eaves of buildings. Several generations of squirrels may live in one den. These animals are very destructive and can cause major damage to exterior facades. When in the attic or walls, their constant gnawing damages the structural members and electrical wires. These animals are trapped and excluded.

squirrel on fence in vt
devious squirrel plotting on tree in VT

Squirrels are our number one wildlife pest

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