Other Insect Pests in Vermont
There are many species of insects that we deal with on a regular basis. Call to schedule a detailed inspection and estimate.
Pantry Pests​
Indian meal moths commonly invade pantries through food products and bird seed. The treatments include pheromone traps, crack, and crevice applications and food source identification. Initial application and follow up is included. Learn more about Stored Product Pests.
German cockroaches are the most common variety we deal with in Vermont. These commonly infest multi-unit dwellings as well as businesses. Unlike the old days, eradication has much less impact on the tenants/owners. Elimination can be done with gel and granular baits, as well as spot residual pesticide applications. Initial service treatment and monthly maintenance may be needed – and is covered under our Residential Quarterly Service.
Cluster Fly
Cluster flies are a fall and winter pest. These flies show up in late August
through October in search of hibernation locations. They often first appear
on sunny sides of the house in early morning or late afternoon. The heat
reflected from your house warms and attracts the flies. As more show up
they emit pheromones that attract each other causing them to “cluster”.
Our treatments are performed in August and September from the exterior.
It is important to have the pesticide in place ahead of and during the fly
migration. After September, we can do interior treatments in attics and around
windows. Often caulking around window trim will reduce the volume of flies
seen within the structure. Learn more about Cluster Flies.

Cluster flies are a fall and winter pest.