Mosquito & tick Removal in Vermont
In Vermont, there is a large variety of habitats for mosquitos and ticks; from mountains to our valleys to the shores of our lakes.
All areas around the state contain conditions that are optimum for mosquito breeding. A successful treatment plan must be designed for your particular property or business. With every passing rain storm comes new breeding areas. Our most common mosquitoes in Vermont are Culex Pipien, Coquillettidia perturbans, and Aedes vexans.
West Nile Virus and EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) are common diseases carried by mosquitoes in New England - including Vermont.
When we are inspecting a property we are looking for areas that hold water for 4-5 days. These areas will allow mosquitoes to deposit their eggs and allow enough time for development. Areas we look for include: old tires, clogged gutters, culvert pipes, bird baths, toys, wheel barrows, tree holes, and buckets. We also look for wet areas in your lawn or ditches that have standing water after rain.
Eliminating Breeding Areas
Standing water needs to be drained. Gutters cleaned, items flipped over or drained after every rain storm. These items will be the responsibility of the home owner and discussed during our property inspection.
Larval Control​
We have two ways of interfering with the aquatic stages of mosquitoes. They are Methoprene and BTI. These products are broadcast into the standing water or wet areas. They will attack the digestive system and interfere with larval development. When used according to label directions, these products will not harm fish, waterfowl, or pets.
Adult Control​
Mosquitoes prefer to rest in shady areas during daylight hours. Homes with extensive shrubbery, flower gardens, dense woods, and tall grass can have very bad problems. These are the areas we direct our residual treatments. This will not only kill mosquitoes on contact but also remain effective for days.
Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is the term used to tie chemical and non-chemical treatments together. We will evaluate our results and change what is needed as seasons change. We will also follow up on the homeowners checklist of breeding site management.
Treatments are performed on a 3-4 week basis or as needed. This tends to be a tolerance issue for homeowners. We recommend the 3-4 week interval to maintain a livable yard.
Tick Control
Exterior control of ticks is achieved with exterior applications of granular and liquid insecticides. Ticks will congregate along the perimeter of your property, where your lawn meets woods or fields. Ticks will climb up on grasses and undergrowth in an attempt to hitch a ride on a passing animal, like deer, dogs, or humans.
At PestPro, we typically deal with deer and dog ticks. The deer tick is responsible for the transmission of Lyme Disease.